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Synonyms for think






think about something or someone


think better of something


think much of or a lot of something or someone


think nothing of something: have no compunction about


  • have no compunction about
  • have no hesitation about
  • take in your stride

think nothing of something: consider unimportant


  • consider unimportant
  • set no store by
  • regard as routine

think something over


think something up

Synonyms for think

to use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas, drawing inferences, and making judgments

to view in a certain way

to regard in an appraising way

to have an opinion

to renew an image or thought in the mind

think about: to care enough to keep (someone) in mind

think of: to receive (an idea) and take it into consideration


think of: to care enough to keep (someone) in mind

think up: to use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving

Synonyms for think

an instance of deliberate thinking

expect, believe, or suppose

imagine or visualize

focus one's attention on a certain state

have in mind as a purpose

decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting


dispose the mind in a certain way

have or formulate in the mind

bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation

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References in classic literature?
Whether we think meanwhile, they tell us, cannot be known; in their observation of the behaviour of human beings, they have not so far found any evidence of thought.
If I do learn it, I don't think you will understand me when I get back, and I don't think you'll like it much.
I feel as if it were right to ask her as often as I can if she doesn't consider every one equal; but she always says she doesn't, and she confesses that she doesn't think she is equal to "Lady Something-or-other," who is the wife of that relation of her father.
"And you think that I shall never try to make good anything, Mary.
Say you will not think the worst of me--will not give me up altogether."
I think I have never enjoyed myself more; indeed, it is my opinion that I wrote the book as an excuse for writing the dedication.
I think she was arrayed in little blue feathers, but if such a costume is not seemly, I swear there were, at least, little blue feathers in her too coquettish cap, and that she was carrying a muff to match.
But it has made me restless; it has made me think a great deal about the world; and I have impatient thoughts again,--I get weary of my home; and then it cuts me to the heart afterward, that I should ever have felt weary of my father and mother.
"Don't think of the past now, Maggie; think only of our love.
Charlotte's beau won't agree to that, because nobody ever has been married in the church yet, and he thinks it would seem too much like a funeral.
You're your own master; but I think you should remember that your money won't last for ever, and the unlucky deformity you have doesn't exactly make it easier for you to earn your living."
'Well, at any rate it's a great comfort,' she said as she stepped under the trees, 'after being so hot, to get into the--into WHAT?' she went on, rather surprised at not being able to think of the word.
"I can't think of any resolutions I want to make," said Felicity, who was perfectly satisfied with herself.
"Oh, I think that's awfully subtle," said the Colonel, putting into the word all the contempt he felt for a quality so alien to the traditions of his calling.
She tried to think of something else and to pray, but could do neither.